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What is Drupal Node and Block

What is Drupal Node and Block?

What is Drupal Node?

In this guide we will learn about What is Drupal Node? a Node is a basic unit of content on a Drupal website, such as a page, article, or product. Nodes are stored in the database and are organized into content types, such as "article" or "page". Each node has its own unique ID, title, body text, and set of custom fields, as well as metadata such as author, date created, and date modified.

What is Drupal Block?

A Block, on the other hand, is a small, reusable unit of content or functionality that can be displayed in various regions of a Drupal website, such as the header, footer, sidebar, or main content area. Blocks can contain anything from simple text and images to more complex forms and lists. Blocks can be created, configured, and managed from the Drupal administration interface, and they can be positioned in different regions of the site using the layout builder.

In summary, Nodes are the main units of content in Drupal, while Blocks are smaller, reusable units of content or functionality that can be displayed throughout the site.